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Appreciation and Testimonials from IMSM/QAS - UK:


...........as Ravi Suntharamoorthy explains, "Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance to IMSM/QAS. All the assessors and Auditors in Canada have extensive experience in ISO standards, assessments and auditing. Each implementation phase is customized - the project being individually planned, structured and managed to suit the needs of small to medium size companies.


International Management System Marketing IMSM/UK

Quality Assurance System QAS/UK



Quality Horizon

We provide High End Quality Engineering solutions to all your needs.
  1. Quality Engineering Solutions.
  2. ISO/TL/QS 9000 Standards.
  3. FMEAs, Cpk analysis, SPCs, DOEs, Six sigma methodology..............
  4. And much more for Continuous Quality Improvments.

Running a business is never easy, but building an effective Manufacturing Line can often make a huge difference in increasing sales, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction.

We'll use this site to provide the background for our Quality orientation and explain the services we have to offer. People don't want to spend time figuring out what Quality is, so our home page will highlight the most important features of both Quality and Engineering approach. We'll think of the Quality as a kind of portal, giving customers the information they want at a glance, and offering lots of solutions to draw them in to the rest of the Quality objectives.

For example, we might feature a different Quality Initiative on the home page each month, along with a solution to improve your Quality in Manufacturing where you can lead into Total Quality Improvements on the product.

Quality! Quality! Quality!
At All Times

Please get in touch to sample our services and join our mailing list to provide useful hints to improve your Quality.
Call us for FREE consultation without obligation.
Quality Horizon
Toronto - Montreal - Ottawa
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